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503rd PRCT Association History
Static Line - Three Winds of Death
February 1992
The Airborne community lost one of its best-liked troopers with the passing on of Lieutenant General John J. Tolson, III. He was known to many of his friends and comrades-in-arms in the 503rd PRCT as "Smiling Jack." General Tolson was a graduate of the West Point class of 1937. His ashes were laid to rest in Arlington National Cemetery on Wednesday, Dec. 4, 1991. General William Westmoreland and General George M. Jones were in attendance along with a group of others from the 503rd PRCT. Also paying their respects were John Blair, Hugh Breslin, Elden "Buzz" Cambell, and his wife Shirley, Bob Donovan, John Hein, Jack Herzig, Kenneth Lyle, and his wife Emilie, John Reynolds and Fred Welderhold. General Tolson was laid to rest with full military honors. The funeral procession included a traditional horse with empty boots and a caisson carrying the coffin containing the remains. There was a marching unit and a band. The honor guard was dressed in the uniform of the old cavalry. We will all miss the warmness of General Tolson at our future reunions, but his memory will remain with us. I received a very nice letter from Archie Birkner. In case you have forgotten his name, Archie is the person who has the original 503 Bn. prop-blast cup. I want to quote part of Archie s letter concerning some information appearing in this column last November. Archie writes as follows: "The statement that I didn’t know what it was is a little misleading. I served under Sink, Gavin, Yarborough, and Higgins. I was a member of the old 2nd Bn. 503rd, later the 509th, so I was aware of what it was and very proud to get it“ The remainder of the letter from Archie Birkner lists the names on the cup as follows: MAJORS — R. F. Sink, J.M. Gavin, CAPTAINS — G. J. Higgins, H. F. Gorham, D. E. Thomas, W. P. Yarborough, J. S. Lawrie, W. S. Ryan, and E. R. Kelly, LIEUTENANTS — J. L. Erickson, G. R. Cox, J. G. Cornett, C. Knox, C. H. Allen, J. C. Ivins, J. C. Hite, C. S. Galbreath, R. H. Woods, R. S. Jones, J. B. Pratt, R. M. Atkins, T. G. Pearson, E. H. Thomas. W. E. Byrd, J. J. Nilan, B. A. Bache, J. W. Britten, M. E. Gall, R. C. Carroll, W. E. Lehmann, R. T. Shelby, R. J . Seitz, J. L. Almeida, F. X. Donovan, J. W. Gordon, R. R. Ellis, P. J. Gibbons, W. Cooper, and F. E. Wilson. | Archie adds a postscript that he was going to take the cup to show to General Dave Thomas who called Archie and wanted to see it. And what will happen to this part of history when Archie joins those who have gone before us? The creation of the 503 Bn. the prop-blast cup represents a time in the history of the Airborne when history itself was being made. It was a formative time for many noted Airborne units. It was a time of unit splitting and cadre forming. Battalions became regiments and regiments were becoming parts of divisions. These were the advanced units of the thousands of Airborne which were to follow. Some of the men whose names are to be found on the cup continued with what was later to become the 503rd PRCT, and others went on to become leaders in other Airborne units. Some of this early history can be read in WE JUMPED TO FIGHT by Colonel Edson D. Raff, a member of the 504th Parachute Bn. In March 1942, the 504th Parachute Bn. changed its name. It became the 2nd Bn. of the 503rd Parachute Infantry, one of two newly organized parachute regiments. Colonel Miley commanded the 503rd Regiment, which moved to Fort Bragg for further training. On June 11, 1942, the 2nd Bn. of the 503rd Parachute Regiment landed in England. The battalion made the first American combat jump on Nov. 2, 1942, at Loumei, Algeria in the invasion of North Africa and a week later made a second combat jump at Youks les Baines in eastern Algeria. The original 2nd Bn. of the 503rd was later to become the 509th Parachute Infantry Bn. I noted with real disappointment the lack of listings for the 503rd 1992 activities in the CALENDAR of Airborne Activities in the December issue of the Static Line. Is there a communication problem somewhere? For your information the following Corregidor mini-reunions are scheduled; NORTHEAST CHAPTER — 7 March at Stouffer's Hotel in Valley Forge, call Ken Lyle; MID-ATLANTIC CHAPTER 13-14 March at Charleston, West Virginia, call Jesse Gandee; DEEP SOUTH CHAPTER — It has already happened. The national reunion will be held July 9-12 in Rapid City, South Dakota. THIS YEAR WILL BE THE 50TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE 503RD PARACHUTE REGIMENT. LET'S MAKE IT ONE TREMENDOUS TURNOUT IN RAPID CITY. The correct address and phone number for "Sleepy" Linton, the 503rd PRCT secretary is Maurice S. Linton, 301 North New Warrington Road, Pensacola, Florida 32506, (904) 456-7702. May you always see a canopy above your head! John D. Reynolds "D" Co. 503rd PRCT 718 Towne Center Drive, Joppa, MD 21085 PH (410) 679-8979
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