Static Line Articles

The Airborne Static Line was a monthly publication for, by, and about Paratroopers and men with Airborne hearts. It was dedicated to the perpetuation of the Airborne ideals of brotherhood, fellowship, and camaraderie established in the warfare, strife, and duress of combat.

The Static Line was created by Don Lassen, who was a private with the 82nd Airborne’s 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment during WWII. The publication started as a one-page newsletter called the E Company Poop Sheet, as a way for Don to keep up with his buddies after the war. It included all things of interest to Airborne Veterans, including the happenings of the many Airborne Associations created after the war.

Three Winds of Death

The column dedicated to the 503rd PRCT was called “Three Winds Of Death” and was authored by John D. Reynolds, a rifleman in D Company. John's monthly articles help keep past members of the 503rd PRCT connected for over a decade.

Fortunately for us, John saved all the columns he ever wrote for the Static Line, which amount to well over a hundred articles. While some may find the writings trivial, I find them very interesting and full of 503rd PRCT history. My goal is to make each article available here for viewing. The articles will be listed and sorted by date. I will also include a brief synopsis of the article.

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