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503rd PRCT Association History
Static Line - Three Winds of Death
June 1992
As we approach the halfway point of the year 1992 it is hard to believe that half of another year has slipped away from us. And we have to think of the reunions we want to attend but say "I can't make it this year, but I am going to be there next year." Let us hope that next year will truly come. Received several letters concerning reunions that already have occurred In the earlier part of the year. Got the following dated 20 March 1992 — "Dear John, Just sending a little information about our Corregidor Dinner. As usual Stouffer's Hotel did a great job making our arrangements. We were entertained by the "Knuckles" O’Brien Band. There were 72 people in attendance. First-timers were Tom and Adele Annitto, Mike and Charlotte Parello, and Al and Shirley Oakley. We were saddened by the deaths of our friends Kathleen McCalling and George Lohin. We missed you in Charleston. We had a great time. Sincerely Ken Lyle." The above comes from the Northeast Chapter. And from the Southwest Chapter of the 503rd Parachute, Regimental Combat Team came the word that they held their Corregidor Reunion in Corpus Christi. Texas 13-16 February 1992. Some came early and some stayed late writes Charles L. Slover of Lufkin. Texas. Charlie also passes on the word that "We had 97 people at the reunion. I don't know if it is a record but it sure was a fine bunch of people that gathered for dinner Saturday night. Pat and Dude were the gracious hostess and host and get my vote for having the mostest on the ball. They also persuaded D. L. Bromide and his partner to put on an outstanding dance routine for us. After the meeting Dude showed a great movie featuring the F-4 Phantom Plane that he flew. There were over 5,000 of these planes produced by May 1978. It flies at Mach 2 and has flown over 98,000 feet high. It was adapted to fly off of aircraft carriers and the English navy flies them. By the way, the aircraft carrier USS Lexington has been bought by the city of Corpus Christi and is being overhauled to make it a tourist attraction within the next year or so. Our next reunion will be in Hot Springs, Arkansas, and will be hosted by Phyllis and Nelson Gatewood and Elizabeth and Jack Siefriet. Jack and Elizabeth's new address is No. 9 Hot Springs Village, Arkansas, 71909. Charlie included a list of all the attendees, some whose names I recognize and many that I do not know. To list them all would take up a third of the column. I did, however, note the name of Herb Elmore, I have not seen Herb since the reunion in San Antonio. And, of course, there was also the Deep South Chapter reunion held in Orlando, Florida, which my wife, Mary, and I were able to attend and renew old acquaintances and make new friends. All of the events just mentioned are, of course, reunions passed. They have become part of the history of the 503rd Parachute RCT Association. What we want to consider are the upcoming reunions. And that means RAPID CITY, SOUTH DAKOTA where the North Central Chapter will host this year's annual national reunion. The details and pre-registration information were given in detail in the April issue of the 503rd PRCT newsletter. But as they said a long, long time ago when I was in the Army "there is always 2 percent that never gets the word." So for you 2 percent the North Central Chapter invites you to Rapid City, South Dakota July 9-12. Reservations for rooms may be made at the Howard Johnson Hotel and sent to Joe Wagner, Box 387, Hettinger, ND 58639. Air transportation can be arranged through the Knight Travel Agency at 1-800-755-5110. The phone number for the Howard Johnson Lodge and Convention Center is (605) 343-8550. The registration fee for the reunion is $88.00 per person Includes a hospitality room, a Thursday night fish fry, Friday night buffet dinner and dance, Saturday night banquet dinner and dance, and Sunday morning buffet breakfast. Congratulations to Al and Shirley Oakley for signing up early to attend. I corresponded with Al last Fall and told him what great affairs our reunions were. He and Shirley will be "first-timers" at this one. I have mentioned before the series of articles in the Army Times concerning the late Gulf War. This series of articles is now complete and features the 2nd Armored Division's "Tiger" Brigade, the 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault), and the 2nd Armored Cavalry Regiment. The 1sl Infantry Division, the 1st Cavalry Division, the 2nd Armored Division (Forward), the 82nd Airborne Division, the 3rd Infantry Division (Mechanized), the 24th Infantry Division (Mechanized) the 3rd Armored Division, the 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment, and the command and staff decisions of Operation Desert Shield. Copies may be obtained by sending your address with $6.00 to cover postage and handling to After-action Reviews, Army Times, 6883 Commercial Drive, Springfield, VA. 22159-0160. THIS YEAR IS THE 50th BIRTHDAY OF THE 503 PARACHUTE REGIMENT. CELEBRATE IT IN RAPID CITY! May you always see a canopy above your head! John D. Reynolds "D" Co. 503rd PRCT 718 Towne Center Drive, Joppa, MD 21085 PH (410) 679-8979
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