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Static Line - Three Winds of Death
February 1991
There are probably a lot of memories still in the minds of those who attended the 50lh Airborne reunion in Washington, D. C. last July. For some of you, those memories can be even kept more vivid through the magic of home videotape. There have been several advertisements in the Static Line offering such tapes for sale. Unfortunately, many of the non-commercial individually made tapes are limited in their scope of coverage. Quite naturally a trooper in a given Airborne organization tends to concentrate on and emphasize the happenings in his organization. However, some tapes do present comprehensive coverage of the main happenings occurring throughout the entire reunion — i. e., from the 82nd Airborne jump into Andrews Air Force Base, the parade, and the memorial services at RFK stadium. I received a phone call from Hugh Breslin to inform me of one such tape. The tape runs for approximately one hour and was aired on Public Television (whom I presume made the tape) Channel WNVC, Channel 56, in the Washington, D. C. area. The tape includes the jump, the parade, and the memorial services and was shown by WNVC in November. A copy of the tape is available for $15 and can be ordered from BRAVO, P. O. Box 669. Woodland Hills. CA 91365. I ordered a copy about a month ago as of this writing but have not received it as yet. Perhaps I will get it by the middle of January and can tell you my opinion of it. Hugh Breslin believes it to be well done. I also have a personal video that covers the jump, the parade, and the 503rd PRCT banquet on Saturday night. This tape also runs for about one hour. So, a suggestion to the reunion committee preparing for Phoenix — check on arrangements for having video presentations available as there very likely will be some tapes to be shown. One day when I came home from work (I work three days a week) there was a package waiting for me. It was sent by Calvin Ammerman, a member of Service Co. of the 503rd PRCT. It contained several pictures of the events in Washington, and in particular a picture of a portion of the 503rd marching up Constitution Avenue, and I was one of the people in the group of maybe 20 appearing in the picture. Calvin also sent me an 11x14 enlargement of the negative and the negative. He also enclosed a real nice letter, portions of which are as follows: Dear John, “Just read your newsletter in the Static Line. It is good of you to do it. I know that Don Abbott carried the national colors. I was the right guard and felt proud and honored to march up Pennsylvania Avenue with the finest men I ever met. “When you soar with eagles you are one.” At JFK stadium as the airborne bands merged playing and the massed standards and streamers came in it was such a spectacular display it overwhelmed me emotionally and the tears slid down my cheeks… Thank you and the committee for such a fine reunion and 50th Anniversary. My grandson, Mike, was with me. He could make the Centennial.” Your friend, Calvin R. Ammerman, Sev. Co. 503rd. I especially take great delight in including this letter from Calvin Ammerman in this month's column. It makes several points that I believe we should all keep in mind. I never knew Calvin Ammerman before the reunion in Washington. I met him and his grandson, Mike, on the bus going over to Andrews to watch the jump, and we engaged in pleasant conversation. I also saw both several more times in the next three days. From now on Calvin and I will keep in contact. Calvin was informed through this column that Don Abbott was the name of the person marching beside him in the color guard. This brings out the point that 45 years ago many troopers had limited knowledge of the names of the people who served with them. As a replacement arriving on Mindoro, before the Negros mission, my knowledge and acquaintance were limited to the people in my squad, maybe a few more in the platoon, and some scattered throughout the company (mostly those who arrived the same time I did), have met more troopers of the 503rd since attending the annual reunions than I ever met when I was in active service. And, yet I feel a kinship for these people that I have never felt for people I have known most of my life. And that is the big point of Calvin's letter — THE CAMARADERIE — that exists in the Airborne Family. Eight months ago, I never even heard of Calvin Ammerman, and now I am looking forward to seeing him in Phoenix. 'Tis that time of the year when the troopers of the 503rd PRCT once again hold Their Corregidor memorial reunions. As of this time I have noticed only two of them. The Corregidor reunion for the Deep South Chapter will be held Feb. 13-16, 1991 at the Columbus Hilton Hotel, 800 Front Ave., Columbus, GA. 31901 Ph 404-324-1800. Make reservations by Jan. 13. For a reunion call Kermit Jackson at 205-579-7950 after 7 p.m. The Mid-Atlantic Corregidor reunion will be held March 15-16, 1991 in Raleigh, N. C. Call Clark Webb at 919-846-6303. I hope to be able to attend both. John D. Reynolds "D" Co. 503rd PRCT
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