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Static Line - Three Winds of Death
July 1991
Our annual reunion Is now history, and I wish I could have written something about it in this month's ' column, but this little gem is being put together the last week in May To meet the deadline. And next month my wife and I will still be on the extension of the Phoenix campaign. So, maybe I can get around to giving you some input on the 503rd annual reunion In the September column. There are several things I can say with conviction, however. One is that reunions don t just happen, and, two, there is a helluva lot of work and apprehension Involved. How is it going to go? Will everyone be satisfied? What did we forget? and a hundred other things. And you know, It all works out and everyone has a great time. Speaking of reunions — as you know we have our annual reunion for the association, and then there are the Corregidor mini-reunions. In addition, there is an annual mini-mini reunion. This affair is hosted by Captain Ralph Bates, the first Company Commander of "D " Co. It happens every year on the third weekend in May at his home in Louisville, KY. I have been extremely fortunate in being able to attend these "Dog" Company get-togethers for the last four years. They have been going on since 1981. People start to arrive on Wednesday and Thursday, there is usually some kind of local tour on Friday (maybe some historic site, or the Jim Beam distillery, or a horse farm), a day at Churchill Downs on Saturday, and the main celebration with a reunion cake in the evening. Departures occur Sundays and Monday. Captain Ralph Bates is a truly great Southern host, and everyone gets a chance to bring each other up-to-date on events of the past year. Of course, there are a lot of patrols sent out in memories of past experiences. Some stories get better as they get told over and over again with some individual massaging as to "what happened.' Every once in a while a new tale manages to creep into the conversation. And that is what reunions are all about. I was not able to attend this year's min-mini reunion Of "Dog" Co. However, some were more fortunate than I. The attendees for 1991 were: Don and Elizabeth Abbott (CA), Ed and Betty Ackerly (TX), Gordon and Nina Bates (IN), George Campbell (WA), Randy and Vera Carter (WA), Charlie and Mildred Christian (TN), Joe and Sarah Dablock (PA), Harry and Hazel Drews (IL), Chartes Dunphy (MA), Herb Elmore (TX), Roy Guy (GA), Lou and Rose Hadrava (FL), Rick LeFort (MO) and Delbert Roberts (TX). As you can see, the attendees come from all over the country. Sleeping accommodations in the main house are at a premium, but the overflow is handled In personal campers, RV's, pick-up trucks and cots and sleeping bags laid out In the carriage house. Ralph provides nearly all the food and drinks except for some special "goodies" brought by the guests. Hope springs eternal in the human breast! I can say that after reading the 551st Pcht Inf Ass'n column by Jim Welsh In the April copy of the Static Line. Jim mentions his waiting to receive a copy of the 5Oth Anniversary celebration videotape from BRAVO which he had ordered in November. I also ordered a tape in November, but as yet I have not received my copy (as of 27 May). But I have taken new hope from Jim's relation to his experience. At least I now know that someone has received a tape. I have called BRAVO twice and am always told it won't belong (at least I haven't been told that it's In the mail). Perhaps it is time to give them another call. Got a call and then a nice note from Roy Cipriano of the 11th Airborne Division Association, the Lt. Vincent J . McDonald Chapter. Roy, who is Exec. The Vice president of Div Arty was seeking information on the whereabouts of a former acquaintance and member of the 503rd, Albert Tait. Fortunately, Albert Is listed In the 503rd roster book, and I was able to help Roy in his quest. Roy lives In Oregon and Albert lives in Arizona, just another example of the communication network that is nestling In the Inner workings of the Static Line. Also got a telephone call from Charlie Rambo. I was not at home, but my wife talked to Charlie. He is recovering slowly but very well from his encounter with the Guillain-Barre Syndrome. He can now walk with the aid of a cane and sometimes does not require that Some people don't survive GBS Charlie also passed on the information that our last year's 5Oth reunion committee was having a June get-together. That's when I'll be in Australia and New Zealand. If you have any Information you want to pass on please write me or call me. John D. Reynolds Co. "D" 503rd PRCT 718 Towne Center Dr. Joppa, Md. 21085
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